How to protect a dedicated server against security attacks
Security issues can present themselves in a variety of ways and affect all types of devices or systems. Of course, dedicated servers are also prone to these types of attacks. This is why it is always advisable to try to improve the functioning and the safety.
What are the most common types of security breaches in a dedicated server hosting plan?
And how protect your Dedicated Server from these attacks?
Frequent types of security breaches in a dedicated server
There are many reasons why you can select a dedicated server hosting plan for your business, but one common factor is control. A dedicated server is yours to configure and maintain in a way that suits your business.
In the case of hosting dedicated servers, it is your job to protect your server from various online threats and take the necessary steps to address a security breach like:
Denial of service attacks can cripple your dedicated server hosting service
If you need a dedicated server, chances are your website will enjoy a growing reputation online. However, a growing reputation makes the server a prime target for denial of service (DoS).
A denial of service attack causes server downtime and unavailability by overloading the system with traffic. One type of DoS attack, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), employs multiple malicious teams to flood the server with traffic, waste hardware resources, and harm the experience of legitimate customers.
The first line of defense against a DDoS attack is to make sure that you choose a dedicated server that is implemented on the best possible hardware, with generous system resources. You should also do the following:
- Make sure your hosting provider offers a quality firewall to stop malicious data before it reaches your server
- Monitor your servers for the first signs of unexpected traffic spikes
Denial of service attacks are one of the most common external threats to the stability of your server. But some of the most devastating security holes are the ones that start in your server.
The threat of malware on your dedicated server
Since a dedicated server allows customers to easily install applications, this type of service is prone to malware.
Malware is defined as a wide variety of software that encodes itself to create disruption or steal data from your server. The term is regularly used to refer to spyware, viruses, worms and Trojans. The functionality of these applications varies, but can include logging every keystroke or copying the most sensitive and confidential databases.
Sometimes malware can be combined with legitimate apps and scripts. Therefore, you should always scan files before running them on your server. You should also do the following:
- Find a host with a current vulnerability analysis
- Check your site for any unexpected behavior, including invisible frames and unusual advertisements
- Remember to test all software on a secure, isolated home device before uploading it to your website.
The risk of breaching the password of a dedicated server
Hackers and criminals are getting more sophisticated, with advanced tools and technology to help you destroy your data as well as your online reputation and your password
Unfortunately, many dedicated user servers do not implement a strong password policy and find that, with or without the help of software, hackers can obtain your passwords and access your data.
Basically, there are two elements of a good password policy. First of all, you should not use any words, phrases, or terms that can be found in a dictionary for your password. A seemingly random combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers is much more difficult for a criminal to infer. Second, avoid keeping the same password for a long time. You should also do the following:
- Implement different passwords for each element of your dedicated server. This ensures that a hacker cannot gain full access even with a password breach.
- When possible, connect using a secure SSL connection
- Never access your hosting control panel from a link in an email. Instead, enter the web address manually
These are just three common security concerns in a dedicated server hosting plan. Make sure you take the time to regularly research new and developing risks.
How to secure a dedicated server
It is important to always maintain security. This is something that you have to apply at all levels, but especially when it comes to devices in constant contact with other computers connected to the network. You need to prevent the entry of intruders and threats that could compromise your privacy, as well as the proper functioning of devices.
Keep equipment up to date
A fundamental element that you must always keep in mind is the need to keep the equipment up to date. It’s important to apply it to any type of device, but especially those where your security and privacy may be at stake.
This means that you should always apply the patches and updates available to your servers. You already know that vulnerabilities sometimes arise which can be exploited by hackers to carry out their attacks.
Have strong passwords
Another very important point in maintaining security on servers is to have strong and complex passwords. This means that you have to create keys containing letters (upper and lower case), numbers and other special symbols.
This password must also be unique and it is advisable to change it periodically. You can even opt for two-step authentication when possible. Another security barrier that allow protecting your servers.
Create backups
Of course, you can’t miss the backups. At times troubles can occur that set your files and information at jeopardy. If you create backup copies, you can avoid data loss that burdens your work.
This is an important point and one to keep in mind. This is something that should always be applied to all types of devices.
Use security tools
Security tools cannot be missing either. Programs that allow you to analyze the system and protect it against possible security threats that put you at risk. There are many types and this is something you should always consider no matter what type of device or system you are using.
In the case of servers, something you can apply that is highly recommended is the use of firewalls. In this way, you can protect yourself from possible external attacks that compromise your security.
Check regularly for threats
It is a good idea to be aware of the threats present on the network. You can always find out about specialized pages and platforms on attacks that can affect your servers and thus prevent.
Sometimes certain threats attack a specific version, as well as applications that you may have installed. If you are aware of the risks associated with some programs, you can avoid security issues.
Monitor the server
It is also worth watching the server. In this way, you will be able to find out if there is excessive RAM or CPU consumption and that could mean that it is being misused, possibly due to malware. There are many monitoring tools.
While control and security are the two main selling points of a dedicated server hosting plan, too much control and no experience often results in gaps in your server’s security. To help you out, hire a quality hosting provider that offers dedicated server hosting services, as well as managed services to help you with your security.